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Developing and Using Vendia Unis

Vendia Share is a service to create and manage Unis. It is available both as a self-documenting GraphQL API and through an easy-to-use command line interface. This usage guide describes the capabilities of the Unis created by Vendia Share and how to get the most value from their many elements.

What is a Uni?

Uni is short for Universal Application

Unis offer a general-purpose platform for sharing code and data easily across companies, clouds, regions, accounts, and technology stacks. They can be used for many purposes, which means they also have a number of moving parts!

Each Uni is composed of one or more nodes. Nodes can live in different clouds, regions, and accounts and can be owned by different organizations or companies. However, each node in a Uni has a common view of the Uni’s application data. This is made possible by a fully replicated, totally ordered, ACID-semantics database. Vendia Share generates all the code and cloud resources required to create and maintain this database and the other elements of the Uni - there is no “centralized database”, and Vendia never gains access to any of the data customers store in Unis.

Inside each node is a group of serverless resources appropriate to the cloud, region, and account associated with that node. For example, a Uni node would have (among other things) the following resources:

  • A ledger and world state
  • A serverless GraphQL API to model transaction input and queries for both world state and ledger information
  • Serverless functions to implement consensus and ACID data replication

As a user of the Uni, you don’t need to understand all the details and you don’t need to worry about operating these resources. That’s the beauty of Vendia Share’s SaaS-based deployment model. Vendia Share can provide all the ease of use of a conventional SaaS offering while still providing you with all the benefits of a unique cloud vendor account. This includes the security, operational isolation, and governance capabilities you’ve come to expect from AWS, Azure, Google, and other cloud vendor account boundaries.

Vendia offers the “best of both worlds” — full replication and decentralization (aka “you own your data at all times”) coupled with a fully managed, SaaS experience that frees you from operational toil and lets Vendia and your cloud service provider handle the task of keeping the infrastructure performing well.

For more information on integrating your Uni with web or mobile clients or other cloud-based services once it’s been constructed, see Integrating a Vendia chain with other Cloud, Web, and Mobile Services.

Feature Details

Using the GraphQL API

Using File Storage

Next Steps

Modeling Your Data

Integrating a Vendia chain with other Cloud, Web, and Mobile Services

Learning More

Terms and Definitions