Share CLI command - file
share file
Add, edit, & remove files from Uni nodes.
Table of Contents
Commands for share file
Manage files in a Uni.
share file <subcommand>
Subcommand | Description |
file add | Add a file |
file get | Get a file |
file list | List current files |
file remove | Remove a file |
file update | Update a file |
Examples for share file
❯ Get File infoshare file get --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId>
❯ List Fileshare file list --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName>
❯ Create Fileshare file add --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --source-bucket bucket-xyz --source-key foo.json --source-region us-east-1 --destination-key bar.json --copy-strategy NEVER --read '*' --write,PartnerANodeNameshare file add --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --source-uri "<CSP URI>/foo.json" --destination-key bar.json --copy-strategy NEVER --read '*' --write,PartnerANodeName
❯ Update Fileshare file update --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId> --source-bucket bucket-xyz --source-key foo.json --source-region us-east-1 --destination-key bar.jsonshare file update --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId> --source-uri "<CSP URI>/foo.json" --destination-key bar.json
❯ Remove Fileshare file remove --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId>
file add
Add a file.
Usage for file add
share file add
Flags for file add
(option) - Name of Uninode
(option) - Name of Nodesource-uri
(option) - Source URIsource-bucket
(option) - Source Bucketsource-key
(option) - Source Keysource-region
(option) - Source Regiondestination-key
(option) - Destination Keycopy-strategy
(option) - File copy strategyread
(option) - Comma separated list of Nodes that have read permission for this filewrite
(option) - Comma separated list of Nodes that have write permission for this filejson
(boolean) - Output return values as JSON
Examples for file add
share file add --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --source-bucket bucket-xyz --source-key foo.json --source-region us-east-1 --destination-key bar.json --copy-strategy NEVER --read '*' --write,PartnerANodeNameshare file add --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --source-uri "<CSP URI>/foo.json" --destination-key bar.json --copy-strategy NEVER --read '*' --write,PartnerANodeName
file get
Get a file.
Usage for file get
share file get
Flags for file get
(option) - Name of Uninode
(option) - Name of Nodeid
(option) - File idjson
(boolean) - Output return values as JSON
Examples for file get
share file get --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId>
file list
List current files.
Usage for file list
share file list
Flags for file list
(option) - Name of Uninode
(option) - Name of Nodejson
(boolean) - Output return values as JSON
Examples for file list
share file list --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName>
file remove
Remove a file.
Usage for file remove
share file remove
Flags for file remove
(option) - Name of Uninode
(option) - Name of Nodeid
(option) - File idjson
(boolean) - Output return values as JSON
Examples for file remove
share file remove --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId>
file update
Update a file.
Usage for file update
share file update
Flags for file update
(option) - Name of Uninode
(option) - Name of Nodeid
(option) - File idsource-uri
(option) - Source URIsource-bucket
(option) - Source Bucketsource-key
(option) - Source Keysource-region
(option) - Source Regiondestination-key
(option) - Destination Keyjson
(boolean) - Output return values as JSON
Examples for file update
share file update --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId> --source-bucket bucket-xyz --source-key foo.json --source-region us-east-1 --destination-key bar.jsonshare file update --uni <uniName> --node <nodeName> --id <fileId> --source-uri "<CSP URI>/foo.json" --destination-key bar.json