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Reading File Data

Files stored by Vendia can be accessed from your existing cloud setup by executing a set of configuration steps, dependent on the Cloud Service Provider designated for the node when it was created.

AWS Nodes

Granting client permissions to access files in Vendia

In order to view the File stored in your Vendia Uni, you need to grant the client AWS account access to the Vendia Uni. You can do this using the setting the value for aws.s3ReadAccounts within an updateVendia_Settings mutation, providing your AWS Account ID.

mutation updateAwsReadAccounts {
input: { aws: { s3ReadAccounts: ["YOUR AWS ACCOUNT ID"] } }
syncMode: ASYNC
) {
transaction {

Note: updateVendia_Settings mutations will overwrite any existing settings prescribed by your request, so be sure to account for the previous state of the node’s settings if necessary.

Note: anyone with access to the AWS Account you provide will have access to the Files in your Uni Node.

Now your AWS Account will be able to access the Files in your Vendia Uni. To do so, you’ll also need your Node’s Bucket name.

Getting your Node’s Bucket

To get the Node’s Bucket information you can access the Uni Dashboard and select your Uni. Under your Node’s Resources will be a property for S3 Bucket ARN. The portion following the arn:aws:s3::: is your bucket’s name.

You can also get this information using the share CLI and executing the command:

Terminal window
share uni get --uni YOUR_UNI_NAME

As part of the output you will see a section called aws_FileStorage with a property name, this is the Node’s bucket name.

Querying File metadata

You can query the node for File metadata, e.g.:

query listFiles {
listVendia_FileItems {
Vendia_FileItems {

Retrieving the File contents

To retrieve the File contents, use an S3 client to perform a GetObject request using the node bucket and DestinationKey attributes on the File metadata.

For example, using the AWS CLI,

Terminal window
aws s3 cp s3://my-node-destination-bucket/my-destination-key local-file

If you are using a Free Tier Uni, you need to provide the Requester Pays header as part of any call. All Vendia Free Tier buckets are set up as Requester Pays buckets. We handle all costs except for accesses directly to the Uni File bucket.

For non-Free Tier unis, the File metadata will include a pre-signed temporaryUrl that can be used to retrieve the object directly using any HTTP client.

Azure Nodes

Create a multi-tenant app registration

Open a new terminal session, logging out of any previous Azure CLI session.

Terminal window
az logout

Log in as an user with permissions to create applications within your Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant.

Terminal window
az login

Make note of the tenant you will be operating against.

Terminal window
MY_SESSION=$(az account show)
MY_TENANT_ID=$(echo $MY_SESSION | jq -r .tenantId)
# verify the value was set

Run the following command to create a new multi-tenant application, replacing <app-registration-name> with the desired name for your app registration.

Terminal window
MY_APPLICATION=$( az ad app create \
--display-name "<app-registration-name>" \
--sign-in-audience AzureADMultipleOrgs \

Make a note of the appId (client ID) value returned by the command.

Terminal window
# verify the value was set

Run the following command to create a client secret for the app registration, saving off the password as a local variable for your terminal session:

Terminal window
# update the options for configuring duration, etc. as you see fit
az ad app credential reset \
--display-name "Client secret for accessing Vendia Node's storage" \
--years 1 \

Store the values for client ID and secret securely using Azure best practices (ex. within an Azure Key Vault).

Update your node’s settings

Since more than one application can be allowed to read your Vendia_File storage, make note of the current settings configuration for azure.storageAccountReaders for your node (by default, this value should be null).

query getNodeStorageAccountReaders {
getVendia_Settings {
azure {
storageAccountReaders {
"data": {
"getVendia_Settings": {
"azure": null

Craft a mutation to update the node’s Vendia_Settings at the azure.storageAccountReaders path, using the value from $MY_APPLICATION_ID for the $applicationId GraphQL variable:

mutation updateNodeStorageAccountReaders(
$applicationId: String = "<value from $MY_APPLICATION_ID>"
) {
input: {
azure: { storageAccountReaders: [{ applicationId: $applicationId }] }
) {
result {
azure {
storageAccountReaders {
"data": {
"updateVendia_Settings": {
"result": {
"azure": {
"storageAccountReaders": [
"applicationId": "891c1d75-87d9-4bd9-b4d8-abc2cda30a16"

Use your node’s storage container

Log out of any previous Azure CLI session.

Terminal window
az logout

Log into the Vendia Share CLI.

Set up your terminal session with the information for the uni and node for which you are configuring access.

Terminal window

Set up your terminal session with the information for the uni and node for which you are configuring access.

Terminal window
share uni get --uni $VENDIA_UNI_NAME --json | \
jq --arg node_name "$VENDIA_NODE_NAME" \
'.nodes[] | select(.name == $node_name) | .resources' \
# verify the value was set
awk -F '://' '{print $2}' | \
cut -d '/' -f 1 | \
cut -d '.' -f 1 \
# verify the value was set
awk -F '://' '{print $2}' | \
cut -d '/' -f 2- | \
cut -d '?' -f 1 | rev | \
cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev \
# verify the value was set

Log in as the multi-tenant app created earlier.

Terminal window
az login --service-principal -u $MY_APPLICATION_ID -p $MY_APPLICATION_PASSWORD \

Run the following command to list the files within your node’s storage:

Terminal window
az storage blob list \
--auth-mode login