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Share CLI command - org

share org

Manage Vendia Organizations using the Share CLI.

Table of Contents

Commands for share org

Manage your Vendia Organization (Enterprise only).

Usage for share org

Terminal window
share org <subcommand>
org getGet your Organization (Enterprise only)
org list-usersList Org Users (Enterprise only)

Examples for share org

Terminal window
List Org Users
share org list-users
Get Your Own Org
share org get

org get

Get your Vendia Organization (Enterprise only).

Usage for org get

Terminal window
share org get

Flags for org get

  • json (boolean) - Output return values as JSON

Examples for org get

Terminal window
share org get

org list-users

List users in your Vendia Organization (Enterprise only).

Usage for org list-users

Terminal window
share org list-users

Flags for org list-users

  • json (boolean) - Output return values as JSON

Examples for org list-users

Terminal window
share org list-users